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New Year's Resolutions 2021
What are New Year's Resolutions? They are promises people say they will do at the beginning of the year to improve their lives (¿Qué son los propósitos de año nuevo?) Son promesas que la gente dice que hará al comienzo del año, para mejorar sus vidas.
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How to use social media?
You are going to watch a video about social media. Then click and answer the questions.
Click here to watch the video:
Now answer the following questions:
1 What age is appropiate to sign up for tik tok?(¿Cuál es la edad apropiada para tener tik tok?)
2. What age is appropiate to sign up for instagram? (¿Cuál es la edad apropiada para tener instagram?)
3. What age is appropiate to sign up for whatsApp? (¿Cuál es la edad apropiada para tener whatsApp?
4. Write at least five things you should not share on your social media profiles (escribe al menos cinco cosas que no deberías compartir en tu perfil de la redes sociales)
Stages of life Review
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