Hi, everyone!
Happy new year!! We hope you've had great holidays, and you're ready to begin a new term. We still cannot see our faces (and masks 😂), we'll have to wait a few days more, but until then we can warm up a little bit preparing the contents we're going to study in the second term.
We are going to propose some activities for English, Natural Science and Social Science for today and tomorrow. Today we will begin with Science, and tomorrow we'll continue with English. It's very easy and it's not going to take you a long time, but it's important to do them if you want to begin the term in the best possible way.
Natural Science:
We are starting unit 3, the human body and reproduction, so we want you to make the cover (portada) of the unit, and read pages 44 and 45 (Stages of life). After that, you can start making the summary (resumen) of the two pages you have read.
Social Science:
We told you before holidays to study the countries in Europe. We are leaving here a link to some activities about countries in Europe, and the capitals. You can practice by doing some of these activities.
This is the first link: https://mapasinteractivos.didactalia.net/comunidad/mapasflashinteractivos/recurso/mapa-de-europa-paises/d2bfae17-7658-4d3d-bce3-d4d5f316c52b
And another activity: https://mapasinteractivos.didactalia.net/comunidad/mapasflashinteractivos/recurso/capitales-de-europa/4799fb56-4a6c-48bd-b9fa-5ad231f86fc8
Another one: https://online.seterra.com/es/vgp/3142
Have a nice day!!
IMPORTANTE: No tenéis que enviarnos las tareas hechas a nuestras direcciones de correo electrónico. A la vuelta revisaremos y corregiremos las tareas en clase.
Ana y Fernando
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